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CMS, Healthier SG

Smart CMS Programme by Synapxe for HSG

SmartCMS Programme is an open invitation to Clinic Management System (CMS) providers to enhance their CMS through integration with the public healthcare system. It supports the seamless information flow between clinics and the public healthcare systems, and promotes continual engagement and partnership to benefit the Primary Care sector. SmartCMS Programme offers a variety of smart services for CMS providers to increase their productivity, benefiting the clinics and the patients they serve to ultimately improve the patient’s experience. 


The CMS tiering framework includes:

  • Integration with web services under the Healthier SG programme;
  • Integration with web services under the CHAS and Clinical programmes;
  • Contribution to the National Electronic Health Record (NEHR) system to facilitate sharing of summary patient records across healthcare providers for care continuity;
  • Cybersecurity requirements in line with the MOH Healthcare Cybersecurity Essentials (HCSE) guidelines that were issued to healthcare licensees; and
  • Code of Practice on CMS data portability to facilitate GP clinics that intend to switch subscriptions to another CMS vendor while upholding the fidelity of patient records.

For more details on the Healthier SG programme, you may refer to https://www.healthiersg.gov.sg


The CMS tiering will be updated progressively to incorporate additional CMS features as requirements evolve.

TierHealthier SG ProgrammeCHAS Programme Clinical Programme Mandatory Requirements1 
 Tier 1 (HSG compatible) Core suite of Healthier SG web servicesAll 7 non-optional services in CHAS Bundle CDLENS + NIR + CMIS 

1) NEHR contribution capability2

2) Compliance to CMS Cybersecurity Requirements3

3) Adherence to Code of Practice for CMS Data Portability4


1For clarifications on mandatory requirements, please email [email protected].

2For details on NEHR onboarding, please refer to https://cms.synapxe.sg/NEHROnboarding/Pages/Index.aspx.

3For details on the cybersecurity certification process, please refer to https://www.csa.gov.sg/cyber-essentials/certification-for-the-cyber-essentials-mark.

4For details on the Code of Practice for CMS Data Portability, please refer to https://go.gov.sg/cms-dataportability. For clarifications, please email [email protected].

SmartCMS Services



Healthier SG Programme1CHAS ProgrammeClinical Programme
1. Enrolment

2. Resident Health Plan

3. Simple referrals

4. Enrolment benefits2 (3 additional requirements)

5. Care reporting
1. Community Health Assistance Scheme (CHAS) – Medical

2. Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP)

3. Clinical Indicators Data Collection (CIDC)

4. Screen for Life (SFL)

5. Vaccination and Childhood Developmental Screening Subsidies (VCDSS)

6. PHPC Flu Subsidy Scheme (FSS), Swab And Send Home (SASH)

7. PHPC Haze Subsidy Scheme (HSS)

8. CHAS Appeal & Accreditation (optional)

9. CHAS Dental (optional)

10. MWHealth (optional)
1. Communicable Diseases Live & Enhanced Surveillance (CDLENS)

2. National Immunisation Registry (NIR)

3. Critical Medical Information Store (CMIS)

1For details on the requirements under the HSG programme, including new requirements from Jan 2024, click here

2The 3 additional requirements are (1) Patient Drug Delivery request; (2) HSG Chronic Tiers and access the Subsidy Tier Calculator and (3) MediSave claim for CDMP bills – Removal of minimum Co-payment requirement

For clarifications or enquiries on Healthier SG, CHAS or Clinical Programme web-services, you can email [email protected]

Reference: Synapxe

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